Reflecting on My Image

I recently had professional headshots done for the first time in my adult life.

It made me remember picture days from my youth:

  • my outfits were selected for me until I made it to high school; same with my hairstyle.

  • the appointed time was during school, so no need to make a special trip

  • no makeup was expected; just show up!

  • I definitely didn’t have to worry about paying any one.

Now that I am a grown-up, professional woman, I have to choose everything and make all the decisions! I went with a photographer who is a family friend, so that made the selection process easy. But everything else was so difficult. I changed my mind on my hair probably 10 times, right up to the point that I was getting in the car to head to my appointment. And my clothing selection is EXTREMELY limited. I had a baby in 2019, and then have been working from home since 2020. We have been on a tight budget for the last 6 months or so, and of course, my body has changed a lot. My wardrobe has been reduced down almost exclusively to graphic t-shirts, sweatpants and the occasional summery dress. I have 1 black blazer and white collared shirt that ‘fits’ me for interviews.

My photographer told me to pick between 5 and 7 looks and that we could narrow it down in the studio if necessary. I had 4 options, and they were just the things that fit and didn’t look too tight. And he immediately eliminated one! (I had to laugh at that honestly) I felt so uncomfortable in front of the camera. He tried to keep me distracted and laughing, but I couldn’t get over how old and tired I looked in the preview screen.

Now I have been given a link to a gallery to select 3 of my favorites for light retouching. I chose not to experiment with putting on makeup the day of, because I honestly haven’t worn makeup since around 2009 when I worked at a bank. Staring at my online gallery was daunting. I KNOW that I am sleep deprived and overweight, but man does it hit home when I actually look at my professional photos! It was so hard to pick 3 that I even wanted to represent me, and so frustrating that my photos do not fit the lively version of me in my head.

I have been on a health improvement and weight loss journey since around 2021. I have had lots of set backs and I am not happy with where I am today. I had a bit of a health warning (health scare seems too dramatic) earlier this year, which I am using as my impetus to actually try again. And looking at my photos from last week…I need to work a bit harder.

My current goal is to get new photos done in a year, hopefully with a marked improvement. I am probably the only person who will see the exhaustion in my current photos….but hopefully on my next set, everyone will see my light shining through!


Getting My Footing


Let’s Get Started!